Can I Treat Dry Eyes On My Own?

Posted by: Associates in Ophthalmology (NJ) in Eyes

Dry eye syndrome can cause numerous bothersome symptoms. If you’ve been experiencing dry eye syndrome, it’s likely that you are looking for treatment options that can provide you with some relief. Keep reading to learn if you can treat dry eyes on your own! What is Dry Eye Syndrome? Dry eye syndrome is a common…

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What Happens During the LASIK Procedure?

Posted by: Associates in Ophthalmology (NJ) in LASIK

LASIK is a popular refractive procedure that can allow you to experience greater independence from visual aids. If you’re considering LASIK or are already scheduled for the procedure, you may be wondering what exactly happens to experience the life-changing result of LASIK. Keep reading to learn what happens during the LASIK procedure! What is LASIK?…

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4 Reasons to Consider LASIK This Winter

Posted by: Associates in Ophthalmology (NJ) in LASIK

Most people who have gotten LASIK most likely agree that the sooner you get it, the better. A visually-free lifestyle is more convenient, safer, and more spontaneous.  Getting LASIK any time of the year is an excellent choice. However, you’ll notice some seasonally-specific benefits immediately after having LASIK in the winter. Keep reading to learn…

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Woman wearing a winter coat, scarf and hat in the city.