Posted by: Associates in Ophthalmology (NJ) in Cataracts

When you have a vision problem, you want to find an eye doctor you can trust to diagnose and treat the issue. It’s always important to have a good relationship with your ophthalmologist and to feel comfortable with them.

Plus, you want to know they are qualified and trustworthy in their field. While this is always true, you want to be even more careful when finding an eye surgeon for cataract surgery. 

Eye surgery is a specialized skill, and the results of the surgery will impact your life significantly. Keep reading to learn some helpful tips to find someone you can trust to produce great results when looking for a qualified cataract surgeon!

What Is Cataract Surgery?

Before learning more about what to look for in a cataract surgeon, it’s important to first understand what cataracts are and what cataract surgery entails.

Cataracts are a clouding of the natural lens inside the eye, which is typically transparent so light can pass through and reach the retina. These cloudy spots cause blurry vision and other vision problems. 

Cataracts occur slowly and are often a natural part of aging. However, eye injuries, eye conditions, and other medical issues can also cause cataracts.

How Does Cataract Surgery Work?

Cataract surgery is the only treatment for cataracts. The treatment restores your vision by removing the clouded eye lens and replacing it with an artificial one. 

The new artificial lens can’t develop cataracts, meaning you can see clearly again. Cataract surgery is an outpatient procedure with a high success rate. 

How Do I Find a Cataract Surgeon?

Because cataract surgery is a delicate procedure, it takes training and precision. But what exactly should you look for when picking an eye surgeon? Here are four things to consider:

Board Certification

The most important thing to look for when finding a cataract surgeon is their board certification. If they are not board-certified, they are not legally eligible to perform cataract surgery.

You’ll also want to get basic information about where they went to school and see if they belong to any professional groups.


You’ll want to find an ophthalmologist with specific experience performing cataract surgeries. You can often find this information on websites, or you can call the ophthalmology office to learn more about their services.


Reviews can give you a good sense of what an ophthalmologist is like, but you’ll want to take these with a grain of salt. However, if you find an ophthalmology office has a lot of bad reviews and the reviews seem credible to the best of your judgment, it may be best to stay clear. 

The Practice

Finally, you can check out the ophthalmology practice and see if you feel comfortable. It’s important to find a practice that is professional and friendly. 

At this point, you may want to meet the ophthalmologist for a cataract evaluation to get an idea of their bedside manner. 

Set Up A Cataract Evaluation Today! 

While there are many qualified cataract surgeons, it’s crucial to find the one that works for you. At Associates in Ophthalmology, we do all we can to keep our patients comfortable and happy.

We invite you to visit our office and meet our team. You can start with a consultation or eye exam where one of our ophthalmologists can answer your questions and discuss cataract surgery with you.

Do you want to learn more about cataract surgery or determine if you might be ready for the procedure? Schedule an appointment at Associates in Ophthalmology in Livingston, NJ, today!