Posted by: Associates in Ophthalmology (NJ) in Cataracts

Elderly couple sitting outside smiling

Cataracts are one of the most common vision issues in adults over the age of 40. More than that, they are also a leading cause of blindness worldwide.

A cataract is a condition that affects the eye’s natural lens. This is the part of the eye that focuses light onto our retina and allows us to see.

Sometimes this lens will become cloudy due to clumping of the proteins that make up the lens. This can cause vision impairment. Keep reading to learn some common cataract symptoms!


Because of the proteins clumping together, you will start experiencing cloudy vision. It might be hard to notice at first but will be like looking through a foggy piece of glass.

Glare and Halos

Bright lights and glare will be difficult to deal with. This can be especially dangerous when driving in the rain or at night.

You will also begin seeing halos and glare around bright lights like headlights. These halos and glares are blinding, which is why driving is more dangerous.

Dimness of Color

As your cataracts become more severe, the clumps of protein can turn yellow or brown. If this happens, your ability to perceive color becomes impaired. You may even see everything as being yellow or brown tinted!

Low Light Vision Difficulty

You will begin to notice that you have an increased difficulty seeing in lower light or at nighttime. This can be especially dangerous while driving.

Second Sight

There is one type of cataract called a nuclear cataract that will give a “second sight” in its early stages. This means that you may experience an increased ability to be able to see things at a closer distance. This new ability will dissipate as cataracts worsen.

No Symptoms

If you have a subcapsular cataract, you may not have any symptoms at all! In this case, you only show symptoms if your cataract has reached full development.

What Do You Do Next?

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, see your eye doctor! You should schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

They can do an eye exam to determine if you have a cataract or another eye condition. Even if you don’t have a cataract, finding out early about eye conditions is the best solution!

If you have cataracts, you’ll eventually need cataract surgery. Cataract eye surgery is a very successful and low-risk option.

It is a quick outpatient procedure with short and easy recovery time. The surgery lasts about ten minutes. You’ll receive anesthetic eye drops, meaning you won’t feel any pain.

During the procedure, your cloudy lens gets broken into smaller pieces. This is a process called phacoemulsification. During phacoemulsification, your surgeon uses high-frequency ultrasonic waves.

Once the cataract has gotten broken down, the pieces are then removed through a tiny incision in the eye. The new lens or IOL is then put into place.

After cataract surgery, you’ll have eye drops that you have to take daily. This helps reduce any inflammation and prevent infection.

You may experience grittiness and redness as well as a blurry vision during the first week. After this, you should slowly be able to get back into your normal routine.

Have any of the above symptoms? Schedule a cataract appointment with Associates in Ophthalmology in Livingston, NJ today!